Please Note: In accordance with RSMo section 610.021, the council may go into closed session during this meeting to discuss matters of litigation, legal actions, and/or communication from the City Attorney as provided under Section 610.021 (1), and/or personnel under Section 610.021 (13), and/or hiring, firing, disciplining, or promoting employees under Section 610.021 (3), and/or real estate under Section 610.021 (2).
Misconduct and / or inappropriate behavior will not be tolerated. Documents: Zoom Meeting Link
Request for Rezoning, Special Use Permits, Re-subdivision
Citizens Hearings
Unfinished Business
Bill #5001 An Ordinance Vacating and Discontinuing Public Use of a Portion of Springdale Road in the North Park Redevelopment Area (City Manager) - 3rd Reading Documents: Bill #5001
Bill #5002 An Ordinance for the City of Berkeley, Missouri, Authorizing the Mayor to Execute the Attached Right of Entry Agreement to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), St. Louis District, for Frost Ave, Frost Industrial Ln, Romiss Ct, Jonas Pl, and Hazelwood Ave (City Manager) - 3rd Reading Documents: Bill #5002
Bill #5003 An Ordinance Authorizing the Mayor to Execute an Agreement with PGAV Planners LLC According to RFQ #931 Downtown Plan (City Manager) - 3rd Reading Documents: Bill #5003
Bill #5004 An Ordinance Authorizing the City Manager to Execute an Agreement with Motorola Solutions for Communications Equipment and Services for the Police and Fire Departments (City Manager) - 3rd Reading Documents: Bill #5004
Bill #5005 An Ordinance Authorizing the City Manager to Execute an Agreement with All Inclusive Rec for Shade Structures at the Municipal Pool (City Manager) - Bill #5005 Documents: Bill #5005
Bill #5006 An Ordinance Authorizing the City Manager to Execute an Agreement with Central County Emergency 911 Dispatching Center (City Manager) - 3rd Reading Documents: Bill #5006
Bill #5007 An Ordinance Amending the City of Berkeley, Missouri, Personnel Rules and Regulations to Include the Day before Thanksgiving as an Official City Observed Holiday (Mayor) - 3rd Reading Documents: Bill #5007
New Business
Appointments to Board and Commissions
Introduction of Bills
Emergency Bill #5008 An Ordinance Authorizing the City Manager to Purchase a Pumper from Spartan Emergency Response (The Council find that an emergency exists and declares that passage of this ordinance is necessary for the preservation of the welfare of the citizens of the City of Berkeley.) (City Manager) Documents: Bill #5008
Reports and Recommendations from the City Manager
Closed Meeting (610.021): Litigation, Real Estate, &/or Personnel