Please Note: In accordance with RSMo section 610.021, the council may go into closed session during this meeting to discuss matters of litigation, legal actions, and/or communication from the City Attorney as provided under Section 610.021 (1), and/or personnel under Section 610.021 (13), and/or hiring, firing, disciplining, or promoting employees under Section 610.021 (3), and/or real estate under Section 610.021 (2).
Misconduct and / or inappropriate behavior will not be tolerated. Documents: Zoom Meeting Link
Bill #5012 -; An Ordinance Approving a Comprehensive Sign Plan from 8640 Evans Avenue LLC (Clayco), for the Property at 8640 Evans Ave, in the City of Berkeley, Missouri, St. Louis County (City Manager) - 3rd Reading Documents: Bill #5012
Bill #5013 An Ordinance Approving the Amended Consolidation of all of the Tract of Land, Known as the Brownleigh Tract, in Boundary Adjustment / Lot Consolidation Plat, Recorded in Plat Book 372, Pages 1-7, and also Being Located within a Portion of, Greenleigh Subdivision as Recorded in Plat Book 56, Page 13, and a Tract of Land being Situated in Part of Fractional Section 9, and U.S. Survey 101, Township 46 North, Range 6 East of the 5th Principal Meridian, City of Berkeley, in St. Louis County, MO (City Manager) - 3rd Reading Documents: Bill #5013
Bill #5014 An Ordinance Amending the PTO Policy in the Employee Handbook of Personnel Rules and Regulations Policies, and Benefits (City Manager) - 3rd Reading Documents: Bill #5014
Bill #5015 An Ordinance of the City of Berkeley, MO, Renaming Jackson Park at 8435 Airport Road to Lee Etta Hoskins Jackson Community Park (Councilman Hoskins) - 3rd Reading Documents: Bill #5015
Bill #5016 An Ordinance Repealing Berkeley Police Department General Order Policy #22, 32, 58, & 63 and Replacing with New General Order Policy #22, 32, 58, & 63 (City Manager) - 3rd Reading Documents: Bill #5016
Bill #5017 An Ordinance Amending City of Berkeley Police and Firemens Retirement Fund Pension Plan (City Manager) - 3rd Reading Documents: Bill #5017
Bill #5018 An Ordinance Authorizing the City Manager to Execute an Agreement with Ameren MO for Frostwood Park Underground Conversion (City Manager) - 3rd Reading Documents: Bill #5018
Bill #5019 An Ordinance Amending Ordinance #4793 Chapter 500 of the City of Berkeley Code of Ordinance, Entitled Appendix A Fee Schedule (City Manager) - 3rd Reading Documents: Bill #5019
Bill #5020 An Ordinance Authorizing the City Manager to Purchase a Forklift from Connell Material Handling (City Manager) - 3rd Reading Documents: Bill #5020
Bill #5021 An Ordinance Authorizing the City Manager to Purchase a Crack Sealer from Seal Master (City Manager) - 3rd Reading Documents: Bill #5021
New Business
Appointments to Board and Commissions
Introduction of Bills
Emergency Bill #5022 An Ordinance Authorizing the City Manager to Execute an Agreement with SumnerOne (The Council finds that an emergency exists and declares that passage of this ordinance is necessary for the preservation of the welfare of the citizens of the City of Berkeley.) (City Manager) Documents: Bill #5022
Emergency Bill #5023 An Ordinance Authorizing the City Manager to Execute an Amendment Agreement with Safebuilt (The Council finds that an emergency exists and declares that passage of this ordinance is necessary for the preservation of the welfare of the citizens of the City of Berkeley.) (City Manager) Documents: Bill #5023
Bill #5024 An Ordinance Authorizing the City Manager to Execute an Agreement with LCS, LLC for Firehouse #2 Construction (City Manager) Documents: Bill #5024
Bill #5025 An Ordinance Authorizing the City Manager to Execute an Agreement with Ideal Landscape Construction for Reconstruction of 6140 N. Hanley Rd (City Manager) Documents: Bill #5025
Bill #5026 An Ordinance Authorizing the City Manager to Execute an Agreement with Vanstar Construction Co. for City Hall Renovations (City Manager) Documents: Bill #5026
Bill #5027 An Ordinance Authorizing the City Manager to Execute an Agreement with VersaCourt for Skating Rink Surfacing (City Manager) Documents: Bill #5027
Bill #5028 An Ordinance Authorizing the City Manager to Execute an Agreement with E. Meier Contracting for Mill & Overlay on Evergreen Blvd, Fay Dr, & Fairbanks Dr (City Manager) Documents: Bill #5028
Bill #5029 An Ordinance Authorizing the City Manager to Execute an Agreement with Vanstar Construction for Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure and Ameren Grant Application (City Manager) Documents: Bill #5029
Reports and Recommendations from the City Manager
Closed Meeting (610.021): Litigation, Real Estate, &/or Personnel
Discussion Park & Rec ID Badges
Discussion New positions
Reports from the City Clerk
Reports from the Attorney
Reports from the Special Committees
Reports from the Standing Committees
Reports from the Council
Next Scheduled Meeting: April 1, 2024 at 7pm
Dialog Title
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