Please Note: In accordance with RSMo section 610.021, the council may go into closed session during this meeting to discuss matters of litigation, legal actions, and/or communication from the City Attorney as provided under Section 610.021 (1), and/or personnel under Section 610.021 (13), and/or hiring, firing, disciplining, or promoting employees under Section 610.021 (3), and/or real estate under Section 610.021 (2).
Misconduct and / or inappropriate behavior will not be tolerated. Documents: Zoom Meeting Link
Presentation on Audit and Financial Services from CLA Accountants
#3693 A Resolution to Reimburse such Councilperson and City Manager for Expenses Specifically incurred by them for the Month of April 2024 (City Manager) Documents: Resolution 3693
#3694 A Resolution Adopting the Recommendation of the City Manager to Transfer Unexpended Appropriations Consistent with the Attached Proposed Operating Revenue and Expenditure Summary Revision from FY 2023/2024, Pursuant to Article VI, Section 7 of the Berkeley Charter (City Manager) Documents: Resolution 3694
#3695 A Resolution of the Council of the City of Berkeley, Expressing Support for the MSD Board of Trustees to Consider Implementing a Tax for Supplemental Stormwater Grants (City Manager) Documents: Resolution 3695
Unfinished Business
Bill #5031 An Ordinance of the City of Berkeley, MO, Authorizing a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) St. Louis Violent Gangs Safe Streets Task Force (City Manager) - 3rd Reading Documents: Bill #5031
Bill #5032 An Ordinance Authorizing the City Manager to Execute an Agreement with Zoll Medical Corporation to Purchase Zoll Ventilators (City Manager) - 3rd Reading Documents: Bill #5032
Bill #5033 An Ordinance Approving the Consolidation and Resubdivision of all of the Tract of Land, Known as Airport Elementary School, and Located in the Southeast ¼ Section 3, Township 46 North, Range 6 East, City of Berkeley, in Saint Louis County, Missouri (City Manager) - 3rd Reading Documents: Bill #5033
Bill #5034 An Ordinance for the City of Berkeley MO, Amending Section 415 of the Trailer Parking Code (City Manager) - 3rd Reading Documents: Bill #5034
Bill #5035 An Ordinance of the City of Berkeley, MO, Granting and Expanding a Variable width access Easement to Union Electric Company, D/B/A Ameren MO over a Tract of Land as Conveyed to the City of Berkeley at the Locations of 5838 Garfield Ave, 5841 Garfield Ave, 5862 N Hanley Rd, and 6400 Washington Ave (City Manager) - 3rd Reading Documents: Bill #5035
Bill #5036 An Ordinance to Authorize the Mayor to Execute a Contract between the City of Berkeley and the MO Highway and Transportation Commission Providing Transportation Services to Seniors and Individual with Disabilities (City Manager) - 3rd Reading Documents: Bill #5036
New Business
Appointments to Board and Commissions
Introduction of Bills
Bill #5037 An Ordinance to Authorize the City Manager to Execute, on behalf of the City of Berkeley, Quit Claim Deeds on the Enclosed List of Properties Under the Citys Dollar Home Program (City Manager) Documents: Bill #5037
Bill #5038 An Ordinance Approving the budget of the City of Berkeley, MO, for the FY Commending July 1, 2024 and Concluding June 30, 2025; Appropriating the Sums therein for the Purposes and Objects therein (City Manager) Documents: Bill #5038
Bill #5039 An Ordinance by the City of Berkeley Authorizing the City Manager to file with the Boundary Commission of St. Louis County a Map Plan Identifying the Limits of any Potential Boundary Changes that may occur during the Upcoming Five-Year Planning Cycle Established by the Boundary Commission (City Manager) Documents: Bill #5039
Bill #5040 An Ordinance of the City of Berkeley, MO, Authorizing and Directing the Submission of a Ballot Proposition to the Qualified Voters of the City of Berkeley, MO to Consider Imposing a Local Use Tax at the same rate as the Local Sale Tax (City Manager) Documents: Bill #5040
Bill #5041 An Ordinance Authorizing an Agreement with CLA (CliftonLarsonAllen LLP) for Audit Services (City Manager) Documents: Bill #5041
Bill #5042 An Ordinance of the City of Berkeley, MO Amending Table IV-A Prohibited Parking (City Manager) Documents: Bill #5042
Reports and Recommendations from the City Manager
Closed Meeting (610.021): Litigation, Real Estate, &/or Personnel