Civic Center Rentals

  • Hours
    Rentals varies at each request.

About This Location

Civic Center Rental Policy– Section 255.070

  1. Civic Center is rented on a first come basis and seating capacity is 160 people. When the application is completed the fees must be paid in full. No hold dates or partial fees are accepted.  
  2. The applicant is responsible for making a complete application including a layout plan for the civic center.
  3. Once the application, layout and fees are paid, the receptionist secures the date in the calendar book and on Outlook calendar.
  4. The paid receipt is given to the applicant as proof of rental along with the rental contract.
  5. A copy of paid application, rental contract and layout is sent electronically to Parks, Facilities, Police and City Manager on the day of payment.
  6. Applicant can make a site visit to the civic center after 2:00pm Monday thru Friday, once approved by Parks Supervisor.
  7. Rental fees are as follows:
    1. Funeral Repast - $35.00 per hour not to exceed 4 hours ( Berkeley Residents)
    2. Residential Rate Rentals (must have valid occupancy permit)- $200.00 rental fee, plus $100.00 refundable damage deposit – Total to collect at time of rental $300.00
    3. Non-Residential Rentals - $300.00 rental fee, plus $100.00 refundable damage deposit. Total to collect at time of rental $400.00

    8. Civic Groups or Service Organization may use for free, i.e. School District, Business Groups, etc.

    9. Discounts not allowed.  Follow rental rates as above.

10. Refundable damage deposit – the deposit will be returned in 10-15 working days after the event. The center will be inspected by a member of the Park Department and they will decide if the fee is returned. If damage occurs the deposit is forfeited and any additional costs after will be billed to the applicant in charge of the ren

11. Do not tell the applicant the deposited is automatically refunded or it will be refunded the same day.  

12. CANCELLATIONS: All cancellations must be submitted in writing 30 days prior to the event and will be subject to a $50 processing fee. Any cancellation made with less than 30 days will result in forfeiture of your entire rental fee.

13. There is a $ 25.00 cleaning and oil disposal fee to use the deep fryer, paid at the time of rental.

14.   Opening & Closing conducted by Police Department.